Getting a cool Linux desktop

Nørderier / Nerd Stuff
I'm not a big fan of Windows, I particularly find the O/S weird and incomprehensible, while the desktop actually is quite nice.  Throughout most of my career, I've been mastering all sorts of UNIX like O/S's, although mostly as servers, so I am doing a lot of command line stuff.  I grew up with "vi" in my fingers, and despite having tried, I never really got the hang of any other editor.  So for the work I am paid for, it's very little more than lots of terminal windows, shell commands, and all that jazz. But for the desktop, I've kept Windows, and I e.g. find that Microsoft Office does the job it is supposed to do very well.  I tried switching to Linux several times, but despite it being…
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The “exchange rate circle”

Nørderier / Nerd Stuff
When travelling abroad, you often try to use some quick calculations for currency conversions, such that you can quickly in your head find what a certain price is in your own currency.  From € to my local currency, kr, I e.g. do "multiply by 7 and add a bit" or from € to £ "take somewhat more than 10% off".  These calculations in your head often get imprecise, so it might be useful to have something better, maybe in your purse.  For my local currency to €, having a printed copy of this: does exactly that.  Lookup € on the outside and convert to kr. on the inside.  If something costs €29, I see there is a marker for 2.8 on the outside, then a somewhat larger marker and the…
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Fri mig for økologi

Lad mig indledningsvis fortælle, at jeg er glad for mad, glad for god mad, og at jeg gerne betaler for at få fødevarer i en god kvalitet.  Jordbær, der lige er plukket.  Hvide asparges, der lige er trukket op af jorden.  Kød fra et dyr, der har haft et godt liv lige rundt om hjørnet.  Eller for den sags skyld grønsager, der har haft perfekte forhold og så er fløjet halvvejs rundt om jorden, for at kunne sælges til mig.  God kvalitet koster, og jer betaler gerne. Men når det er sagt, så lad mig samtidig fortælle, at jeg endnu har til gode at finde den fødevare, hvor økologi og kvalitet på nogen måde hænger sammen.  Jeg kan købe et sprødt, lækkert salathoved for en tier, eller give tolv kroner…
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